

类型: 电影解说
更新:2024-10-18 01:30:02




  A woman who escaped her abusive father as a teen must return to settle the affairs of the family vineyard upon his death. She finds that the dark secrets she left behind have only festered and blackened over the decades, fermenting into violence and death.


  • 五号特工组[电影解说] 8.0 五号特工组[电影解说]
    2007 电影解说
    简介:  这是一部具有真实史料为背景的抗日间谍片。  1937年8月12日,"8•13"事变前夜,日军驻华间谍机关发布了一道暗杀蒋介石的密令......  卢沟桥事变"爆发后,在战事一触即发的上海,日军间谍猖獗密布,国民政府国防部中校参谋、中共地下党员欧阳剑平,按照地下党组织领导冯先生的指示,召集4位身怀绝技的青年志士,秘密组成"5号"特工组。  这五人一路艰险到达上海,住进法租界,他们伪装的公开身份是"上流社会"成员,在杀机密布的上海,他们遭遇到了......
  • 时光正好[电影解说] 6.0 时光正好[电影解说]
    2024 电影解说
    简介:  根据蒋离子的小说《老妈有喜》改编。  人到中年、以为一切尽在掌握中的许梦安(秦海璐饰)生活骤然失控,公司大面积裁员、职场晋升受阻、老公李临(保剑锋饰)失业、女儿疑似早恋、不期而至的二胎等问题一股脑儿涌来,让她心力交瘁。如何在现实压力中找到再出发的动力,在自我成长和家庭责任间努力平衡,是她亟待解决的问题。另一边闺蜜陈婉真(左小青 饰)在全职太太生活中,被老公于海(田雨 饰)漠视,备受煎熬的她决定重返职场。许梦安的妹妹许梦心(潘之琳饰)则饱受孕期激素失调的折磨。她们在挣扎和痛苦中,以柔克刚,最终打开人生新局面,获得第二次成长。
  • 天不藏奸[电影解说] 7.0 天不藏奸[电影解说]
    2003 电影解说
    简介:  《天不藏奸》是根据几年前震惊全国的真实刑事案件改编的,案发地点涉及到湖南、湖北、四川等省。花数年时间全程跟踪采访,搜集了大量的真实材料,除了公安刑警和犯罪伙斗智斗勇的惊险,层层案情的扑朔迷离之外,"红粉兵团"的出现是案情的一大特点,也是犯罪团伙能够危害七年之久的真正秘密……
  • 小宝与康熙[电影解说] 10.0 小宝与康熙[电影解说]
    2000 电影解说
    简介:  不学无术却聪明伶俐的韦小宝(张卫健 饰),自小和母亲在扬州丽春院卖艺来维持生计,与心爱的小金鱼(舒淇 饰)青梅竹马。原本平凡的人生因为一次意外而彻底改变。不仅为天地会的陈近南(郑伊健 饰)收为徒弟,还被康熙帝派下江南的心腹太监海大富强行带回了皇宫来完成自己的打算。进入皇宫的韦小宝在海大富的指引下认识了刁蛮任性的建宁公主(林心如 饰)和阴险恶毒的太后(陈法蓉 饰),还误打误撞的和少年康熙(谭耀文 饰)成了好朋友。一方面韦小宝为反清复明的天地会出谋划策,一方面帮助小玄子扫清他皇帝路上的政治障碍。多次化险为夷死里逃生的小宝却在眼见修成正果前途一片光明的时刻,忠与义的抉择让他陷入了两难的境地,而他选择了放弃了大好的前程,带着自己的七个老婆离开…  改编自金庸小说《鹿鼎记》,又名《小宝传奇》《鹿鼎记》。
  • 辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说] 7.0 辛普森一家:与辛普森共渡圣诞节[电影解说]
    1990 电影解说
    简介:  -SIMPSONS ROASTING ON AN OPEN FIRE  After Bart's tattoo removal, Homer's failure as a department store Santa, and a bad day at the dog track, Christmas prospects look dim for the Simpsons. But Homer seizes the day and, with the help of Santa's Little Helper, blunders home with the best gift at all - something to share the family's love. And frighten prowlers. A holiday classic!!  -MR. PLOW  Homer opens a snow plow business only to have his best friend Barney open a rival outfit, with commercials by Linda Ronstadt. Homer sends Barney into an avalanche, then feels guilty and saves his life.  -MIRACLE ON EVERGREEN TERRACE  Bart inadvertently burns down the Simpsons' Christmas tree, and claims that burglars did it. The town opens its heart to the family, only to turn on them when the truth is discovered.  -GRIFT OF THE MAGI  Bart is confined to a wheelchair and Springfield Elementary must construct ramps accessible to him. To pay for the construction, a corporation takes over the school and uses the children to design the nest must-have Christmas toy.  -SHE OF LITTLE FAITH  Homer and BAart collaborate on a model rocket which destroys The First Church of Springfield. To raise money for repairs, the church sells advertising space, outraging Lisa - who becomes a Buddhist, with the help of guest star Richard Gere.
  • 精灵旅社番外篇:精灵怪宠[电影解说] 9.0 精灵旅社番外篇:精灵怪宠[电影解说]
    2021 电影解说
    简介:  The adorable Tinkles has more energy than ever and just wants to play ball. Drac is determined to find a suitable playmate for his huge furry friend. After several attempts, Drac's plan crumbles when Tinkles chooses an unlikely partner.


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